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Membership Eligibility Requirements

Due to the deep history of the organization, there are eligibility requirements.  All female blood relatives, ten (10) years of age or over, of honorably discharged Union Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of the Civil War, 1861 to 1865, also ex-army nurses of that War, are eligible for membership. Most importantly, however, is the desire to honor the past through education and preservation.
Dues are subject to the Circle (or local group) in which you are joining.  Application paperwork accompanying your dues should be sent to the Circle Secretary.   A Department or Circle Under National can be found on the “Roster” page.

Get Application here.

Map of Active LGAR Locations

If no one is in your state, you can join under a circle or department in a different state, or you can choose to be a


Be sure to contact the Membership-at-Large Coordinator FIRST, as many new circles are currently forming across the country.

Dues for Members-at-Large are $35.00 per year payable to "Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Inc." and should be sent with application paperwork to the National Treasurer, Jan Stevenson

Membership Badges are $50 for a new membership badge. Contact the National Treasurer, Jan Stevenson.

© Copyright since 2011, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. All Rights Reserved. National Webmaster: Robert Rock